Presentazione Lombardia Veneto Campania Sicilia

Regionals Menu


Class III Cucina s.y. 2000-01 - Chef: Pini Eliseo

Class III Sala s.y. 2000-01 - Maitre: Capalbo Francesca

Ass. Tecnico: Ghilotti Delia




Menu from Lombardy

Petals of dried cured beef (bresaola)

with quennelles of fresh goat cheese with chives

Sciatt (small cubes of Casera cheese battered in a buckwheat paste) from Valtellina with plain salad

Eminces of turkey with cream of mushrooms

Buckwheat cake with compound of bilberries



Menu from Veneto
Casunzei from Cortina d’Ampezzo

Calf’s liver Venice style

Mashed Potatoes

Pinza Vicenza style (local cake)



Menu from Campania

Capri style salad ­ Caprese

Risotto fisherman style

Impepata of mussels

Pastiera neapoletan style



Menu from Sicily
Salad of citrus fruit

Pennette (italian macaroni) crudaiola style

Chicken and olives

Blancmange with sauce of wood fruits


Tradotto in Inglese dalla classe III Ric. - A.S. 2007/08

Translated in English by class III Ric. - School years 2007/08

Coordinamento: prof Alfonzi Pietro