Presentazione Col Formaggio Con la Farina Nera Con la Zucca

Theme based menu


Class III Cucina s.y. 2000-01 - Chef: Pini Eliseo

Ass. Tecnico: Ghilotti Delia



With Cheese

Fondue fried

Typical scimudin in more basil

Lombatina lamb with light pink Fondue cheese

Casera crunchy honey rhododendron lukewarm



With black flour
White flour “Crespelle” with salmon and cream

Three flours tortelli with stuffed ricotta, potatoes and speck

“White” of chicken in a buckwheat batter

Green beans pelamus

Timbale of warm Valtellina cake with blueberry compote



With pumpkin

Battered and fried pumpkin flowers

Soft dumplings with pumpkin season with drawn butter and hazel

Pumpkin cream au gratin, aged Bitto and homemade crouton bread

Roll turkey stuffed with yellow pumpkin and small pulses

Carrots stick and courgette oil mill

Pumpking and amaretti soufflé


Tradotto in Inglese dalla classe III Ric. - A.S. 2007/08

Translated in English by class III Ric. - School years 2007/08

Coordinamento: prof Alfonzi Pietro